Vendée Globe : les dernières infos Tip & Shaft

Find all the Tip & Shaft information about the Vendée Globe here. Latest news, information on the IMOCA skippers, teams, yards and decision-makers of the Vendée Globe, Tip & Shaft is carrying out the survey in the field.

LinkedOut, le 60 pieds Imoca de Thomas Ruyant

Antoine Koch: “I have fought hard to be able to mix designing with sailing”

At the age of 42, Antoine Koch has had a dual career as a sailor and an engineer, which enabled him back at the start of the last decade to join Gitana Team. Since 2018, he has been working alongside Thomas Ruyant on enhancing the amazing performance of the Verdier-designed Imoca LinkedOut, one of the favourites of the 2020 Vendée Globe. Tip & Shaft met up with him to find out more.

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Charlie Dalin, skipper d'Apivia, un des favoris du Vendée Globe

Charlie Dalin: “I feel I have a fairly complete game”

The last preparatory practice race before Vendée Globe organized by the pole Finistère race off Port-la-Forêt ended last Thursday. Charlie Dalin was out there in the mix and, at a month before the start of the ninth Vendée Globe it was the ideal opportunity to catch up with the skipper of Apivia, one of the favourites for the solo round the world race.

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Les Imoca sur le Défi Azimut 2020

Vendée Globe: how are the boats insured?

During the last Défi Azimut, two boats, Fabrice Amedeo’s Newrest-Art & Fenêtres and Louis Burton’s Bureau Vallée were unable to start racing because of a problem with the renewal of their insurance. And so, in light of that, Tip & Shaft took an interest and questioned most of the teams to learn how the Vendée Globe Imocas are insured.

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Alex Thomson prendra le départ du Vendée Globe 2020

Vendée Globe: first substitute… To have a replacement skipper or not?

The Vendée Globe Notice of Race gives entrants the opportunity of substituting themselves with a replacement skipper should something happen which means they cannot take the start (that replacement has to be appointed before October 1). Of course this is a scenario which becomes all the more relevant, a choice closely considered by some teams while Covid-19 remains a threat. Tip & Shaft lit up our phones to ask all teams whether or not they are employing this option.

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33 solitaires participeront à l'édition 2020 du Vendée Globe

Where is the Vendée Globe at two months from the start?

The Vendée Globe organization is entering the final stage of planning and preparation before the start on November 8. From the sports perspective the Vendée-Arctique-Les Sables d’Olonne race in June provided some reassurance, but the current evolving health situation in France leaves room for doubt especially as to the final shape and format of the village, the organizational arrangements and the final rules and regulations. Two months before the start gun fires Tip & Shaft takes stock.

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Jérémie Beyou vainqueur de la Vendée-Arctique-Les Sables d'Olonne

What we learned from the Vendée-Arctique-Les Sables d’Olonne race

Last July 14 Jérémie Beyou won the Vendée-Arctique-Les Sables d’Olonne race, concluding what proved to be a thrilling three-way match up with Charlie Dalin and Thomas Ruyant. Tip & Shaft shares some of the lessons that we learned, debriefing with the help of the race director Jacques Caraës, Antoine Mermod who is president of the Imoca class, the weather routing specialist Jean-Yves Bernot, skipper Romain Attanasio (who did not participate) and the journalist Didier Ravon.

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Charlie et Dalin font partie des favoris de la Vendée-Arctique-Les Sables d'Olonne

Who will win the Vendée – Arctique – Les Sables d’Olonne?

The start of the first ever Vendée-Arctique-Les Sables d’Olonne is on Saturday at 3.30 p.m local time. As before each major event, Tip & Shaft has solicited the opinions of the great the good of the ocean racing world in France as well as a few hand picked Anglo Saxons to ask the big question. We have Antoine Mermod, president of Imoca, Tanguy Leglatin the trainer in Lorient, Christian Le Pape, head of the Pole Finistère Course au Large, sailors Yann Eliès, Charlie Enright, Dee Caffari, Matt Sheahan and French based American Ryan Breymaier who works with Boris Herrmann. Also questioned was Gaël Robic, journalist at France Télévision.

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Sébastien Josse navigue avec Nicolas Troussel sur Corum L'Epargne

Sébastien Josse: “If I had a great project, I would be competitive”

More than a year after the end of his collaboration with the Gitana Team, Sébastien Josse is back on the water. As soon as deconfinement started he started sailing and working with Nicolas Troussel helping him to prepare the next Vendée Globe aboard Corum L’Epargne, the latest new generation Imoca to be launched. That seems like a good opportunity for Tip & Shaft to catch up with the skipper who is originally from Nice and whose career to date spans Figaro, Imoca, Ultime and the Volvo Ocean Race.

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La classe Ultim reste fragilisée, selon Vincent Lauriot-Prévost

Vincent Lauriot-Prévost: “Ocean Racing allows us to come up with useful innovations”

To try to understand what is happening with the Covid crisis, Tip & Shaft set up a series of interviews around the topic of sail racing. Today, we listen to the designer, Vincent Lauriot-Prévost, co-founder with Marc Van Peteghem of the VPLP team, which designed three of the eight new boats built for the 2020 Vendée Globe (Charal, Hugo Boss and DMG Mori), as well as the two future Ultim trimarans, currently being built for Macif and the Banque Populaire team.

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Pour Stewart Hosford, il faut que le Vendée Globe 2020 ait lieu à la date prévue

Stewart Hosford: “Offshore sailing can show itself to be a leader and a differentiator”

With the Covid-19 pandemic affecting the whole planet, it has meant a great deal of uncertainty for sport in general and sailboat races are no exception. To try to get to grips with this new situation, Tip & Shaft is carrying out a series of five interviews about the future of sail racing. Our fourth guest, Stewart Hosford, CEO of Alex Thomson Racing from 2010 to 2019, is now CEO of Sir Keith Mills’ pan global sports investment group Origin Sports.

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Nathalie Quéré et Chris Nicholson gèrent encore le VO65 d'AkzoNobel

Nathalie Quéré: “Sailing can help companies rebuild themselves around positive messages”

With the Covid-19 pandemic affecting the whole planet, it has meant a great deal of uncertainty for sport in general and sailboat races are no exception. To try to get to grips with the new situation, Tip & Shaft is carrying out a series of five interviews about the future of sail racing. Our third guest, Nathalie Quéré is an expert in sponsorships, she works as a consultant and managing director of W Ocean Racing, a management company involved in sailing which she co-founded with the Australian skipper, Chris Nicholson.

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