Vendée Globe : les dernières infos Tip & Shaft

Find all the Tip & Shaft information about the Vendée Globe here. Latest news, information on the IMOCA skippers, teams, yards and decision-makers of the Vendée Globe, Tip & Shaft is carrying out the survey in the field.

Sam Davies à l'arrivée du Vendée Globe

Sam Davies: “I want to go back!”

Two months after her return (out of the race) from the Vendée Globe, Sam Davies is now on course for the Transat Jacques Vabre, for which she should soon announce the “experienced co-skipper” who will sail with her on Initiatives Coeur. Tip & Shaft took this opportunity to chat things over with the British skipper who is determined to set out on a Vendée Globe campaign once again.  

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Gréement de fortune sur la Golden Globe Race

How the round the world races have grown

Between July 2022 and September 2023 it seems like as many as five round the globe races could set off in just about every conceivable format solo, double or crewed, mainly intended for amateur or semi pro sailors. Tip & Shaft look at the budgets, the contexts and the risks.

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Yannick Bestaven sur le Vendée Globe

What we learned from the Vendée Globe

Last Thursday, Yannick Bestaven won the Vendée Globe, crossing the finish in third place after Charlie Dalin and Louis Burton, but benefiting from a redress of 10 hours and 15 minutes for taking part in the operation to rescue Kevin Escoffier. With the first nine boats in, Tip & Shaft can draw the first conclusions from this ninth edition with comments from some skippers.

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Le budget et le financement du Vendée Globe 2020

How is the 2020 Vendée Globe funded?

The 2020 Vendée Globe is due to start ‘behind closed doors’ with no local public audience on Sunday November 8 at 1:02 p.m local time in Les Sables d’Olonne. Despite the context, this ninth edition is a record breaker on many different fronts with 33 participants and a budget of 16 million euros (against 12.3 in 2016). Tip & Shaft has analyzed the budget for the Vendée Globe.

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